#51 The Power of Self Reflection in Unlocking a Better you
Dive into the power of self-reflection! Learn how introspection boosts self-awareness, learning, and growth - not just personally, but professionally too.
Howdy Peeple’s. I'd like to talk about a subject close to my heart, something that I believe can truly transform our personal and professional lives: the art of self-reflection.
The Power of Self-Reflection
Self-reflection, the process of looking inwards and examining our thoughts, feelings, and actions, isn't just for philosophers or mindfulness gurus. It's something that all of us can – and should – practice regularly. But why, you ask? Well, let's delve into it.
Why Bother Reflecting?
Firstly, self-reflection can lead to greater self-awareness. It's like holding up a mirror to ourselves, revealing our strengths, weaknesses, and patterns. This understanding can help us leverage our strengths, work on our weaknesses, and break unproductive patterns.
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Secondly, self-reflection allows us to learn from our experiences. By reflecting on our actions and their outcomes, we can glean insights and lessons that can guide our future decisions.
Finally, self-reflection can lead to personal growth. By continuously assessing and reassessing ourselves, we can evolve and adapt, becoming better versions of ourselves.
Putting It Into Practice
So how do we go about reflecting? While there's no 'one-size-fits-all' approach, here are a few strategies that have worked for me and many others:
Journaling: Writing about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help you process them and gain perspective. You don’t have to do a mind-dump at the end of every day - a sentence or two after a tense meeting, or a morning free-write can really help unlock your inner you.
Meditation: This can help you quieten your mind and focus on your inner self. I know it’s a bit woo-woo, but seriously, what have you got to lose by giving yourself 15 minutes to think about nothing?
Feedback: Seek feedback from others to gain a different perspective on your actions. Feedback is far and away the best way of improving - use questions you ask yourself in your journals with others to see what they would do or say in certain situations.
Mindful activities: Engaging in activities that require focus and presence can also facilitate self-reflection. Me, I like to EAT, so I practice mindful eating - chew that thing slowly, with your eyes closed and really taste it. Showering is also a good mindful activity - focus on the water and the way it feels. The shower is always where I get my best ideas, which I then forget while brushing my teeth.
Self-Reflection in the Workplace
Now, you might be thinking, "Mike, this is all very well for personal development, but what does it have to do with People Ops?" Well, my peeps, quite a lot!
In the workplace, self-reflection can help you and your employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, which can guide their professional development efforts. It can also promote a learning culture, where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, rather than failures to be punished.
Furthermore, self-reflective leaders can make more informed and empathetic decisions, leading to better team dynamics and outcomes.
But how can HR foster a culture of self-reflection in the workplace? Here are a few suggestions:
Training: Offer workshops or training sessions on self-reflection and related skills like mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
Tools: Provide tools like journals, self-assessment questionnaires, and meditation apps to facilitate self-reflection. Ensure people know they can take a few minutes form their day to engage with this stuff to.
Leadership: Encourage leaders to model self-reflective behaviours and promote a culture of openness and learning.
The Takeaway
So there you have it. Self-reflection isn't just a fancy buzzword – it's a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. And as People professionals, it's something we should not only practice ourselves but also promote in our organisations.
Until next time, keep reflecting and growing!